Alternate English Language Learning Assessment (ALTELLA)

The ALTELLA project is a collabrative of five states that seeks to better understand how to apply lessons learned from research on successful instructional practices, accommodations, and assessing English Learners (ELs) and students with cognitive disabilities to develop an alternate English Language Proficiency assessment for these students.

ALTELLA is a collaboration of five states that will apply lessons learned from the past decade of research on assessing ELLs and students with significant cognitive disabilities to develop an alternate English Language Proficiency assessment for ELLs with significant cognitive disabilities.
ALTELLA is a collaboration of five states that will apply lessons learned from the past decade of research on assessing ELLs and students with significant cognitive disabilities to develop an alternate English Language Proficiency assessment for ELLs with significant cognitive disabilities.


Enhanced Assessment Grant (EAG)

Project Website


Completed on September 30, 2018

Contact Information

Indira Ceylan
Phone: (608) 890-4465