New Grants

Xueli Wang was awarded $500,000 from the Spencer Foundation for “Thriving in Community Colleges: A Longitudinal Mixed Methods Study of Student Mental Health and Educational Success” through May 30, 2029. (020625)

Emily Brinck was awarded $1,965,137 from the U.S. Department of Education, in a subcontract from Florida Atlantic University, for “Access to Advanced Technology Careers and Creating A 21st Century Workforce of Youth and/or Adults with Disabilities Leading to CIE” through Sept. 30, 2029. (020425)

Mitchell Nathan was awarded $373,993 from the National Science Foundation for “Collaborative Research: Data-Driven Interviewing to Study the Embodied Cognitive Shifts that Occur During Geometry Learning” through Feb. 28, 2027. (020425)

Frank Fernandez was awarded $57,949 from Arnold Ventures for "Experimental Analysis of Academic Coaching" through Dec. 31, 2025. (011025)

Frank Fernandez was awarded $30,040 from the Spencer Foundation for "Conducting a National Survey of Disaster Resilience in Higher Education" through Sept. 30, 2026. (011025)

Graham Rifenbark was awarded $129,938 from the U.S. Department of Education, in a subcontract from the University of Oklahoma, for “Development and Validation of the Transition Assessment and Goal Generator (TAGG) for Middle School Students with Disabilities” through July 31, 2025. (010625)

James Pustejovsky was awarded $61,360 from Institute of Education Sciences for "Consequences Of Selective Reporting Bias In Education Research (Year 3)" through Aug. 31, 2025. (11252024)

Malachy Bishop was awarded $1,299,999 from the US Department of Education for "The Career Horizons Project (CHP): A 21st Century Workforce Initiative for Mississippians with Disabilities Accompanied by or Resulting from Long-COVID Syndrome" through Sept. 30, 2029. (11072024)