The MAGIC Project: Linking Teacher Training to ELL Students' Performance
Content and Language Integration as a Means of Bridging Success (CLIMBS™) is a course designed to assist K-12 educators in applying the WIDA English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards to scaffold instruction for the English language learners (ELLs) in their classrooms. The course provides an introduction to the use of a scientifically-based approach to sheltered instruction as a means of incorporating the WIDA standards into the academic content and language instruction in classrooms that include ELLs.
The course was developed in response to requests from educators who work with ELLs in the WIDA states to help close gaps in language and academic achievement between ELLs and their peers.
WCER will provide, in coordination with the Center for Applied Linguistics, one semester of the CLIMBS professional development course to educators of ELLs as identified and enrolled by the Center for Urban Community Development at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.