Wisconsin Culturally Responsive Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (CRPBIS)
Waves of diversity surge through our racially and economically stratified schools. The cultural and linguistic diversity that students and educators bring to schools provides an opportunity to systemically transform schools into supportive and inclusive environments.
But educators have long struggled to design culturally responsive and sustainable educational programs to tackle outcome disparities suffered by youth from historically marginalized communities.
This study is the first ever-statewide formative intervention study to implement a systemic change framework: Culturally Responsive Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (CRPBIS). It involves a systemic intervention study to address these questions:
How can we address increasingly racialized outcome disparities that youth from nondominant racial, linguistic, and economic backgrounds experience in schools?
How can we facilitate socially supportive, academically rich, and inclusive schools for all students?
How can we form mutually beneficial and sustained partnerships between research and practice that will produce high-quality research that meets the needs of local stakeholders and practitioners in developing programs to combat outcome disparities in the complex ecologies of urban schools?