Craig Albers
Associate Professor

Craig received his doctorate at Arizona State University in 2002 and is an Associate Professor of Educational Psychology in the APA-accredited School Psychology Program at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. He recently finished serving as the Principal Investigator, Project Director, and author on a $1.3 million Enhanced Assessment Grant from the US Department of Education to develop the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, which is an English language proficiency (ELP) measure designed for use with ELLs with significant disabilities. This ELP measure (Albers, 2011) was groundbreaking research as it was the first measure that was developed for this population of students.
Currently, Craig is the Principal Investigator and Project Director on a 4-year, $1.6 million IES grant that is examining universal screening and progress monitoring procedures for ELL students within RTI models.
Contact Information
Phone: (608) 262-4586
Office: 1078D Ed Sciences
Current Projects
Rural Education Research and Implementation Center (RERIC)Completed Projects
Response-to-Intervention and School Reform: Training School Psychologists and Special Educators as Leaders and Collaborators in the Wisconsin REACh Prevention ProjectAlternate ACCESS for ELLs™ Assessment
Improving Educational Outcomes For English Language Learners: Validating Screening And Progress Monitoring Instruments For Use In Response-To-Intervention Models
Preparing School Psychologists to be the Next Generation of Leaders in School Evidence-Based Prevention Practices for Students with Disabilities
Preparing School Psychologists to be the Next Generation of Leaders in School Evidence-Based Prevention Practices for Students with Disabilities - Training Stipends