Sadhana Puntambekar

Sadhana Puntambekar is a professor in UW-Madison's Educational Psychology department. Her research is in the field of design and use of technology enriched interactive environments in education.
Her current research, funded by an early CAREER award from the National Science Foundation is focused on understanding the cognitive and contextual issues in integrating digital text in middle school science classes. The research is being conducted in the context of using the CoMPASS environment, which uses conceptual representations in the form of maps, as well as text descriptions to help students understand the interrelationships between concepts and principles. She has also worked closely with middle school teachers to develop the curriculum for the project.
Puntambekar graduated from the School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences at the University of Sussex, where her dissertation work focused on the design and use of a computer-based system to help students learn metacognitive skills in studying from texts. After completing her doctoral studies she worked as a postdoctoral fellow on the Learning by Design project at Georgia Institute of Technology. Prior to joining UW-Madison, Puntambekar served on the faculty at the University of Connecticut-Storrs.
Contact Information
Phone: (608) 263-4828
Office: 1075E Ed Sciences
Current Projects
Collaborative Research: SimSnap: Orchestrating Collaborative Learning in Biology Through Reconfigurable SimulationsAI Institute: Institute for Student-AI Teaming (iSAT)
Collaborative Research: Scaffolding Science Learning and Teaching in Middle School Classrooms through Automated Wise Crowd Analysis of Students' Writing
Collaborative Research: Scaffolding Science Learning and Teaching in Middle School Classrooms through Automated Wise Crowd Analysis of Students' Writing
An Intelligent Assistant to Support Teachers and Students in Simulation-Based Science Learning
An Intelligent Assistant to Support Teachers and Students in Simulation-Based Science Learning
Completed Projects
CAREER: Designing Hypertext Materials for Science Classrooms: Understanding Students' Changing Cognitive RepresentationsSLC Catalyst: Learning About Causal Systems in Complex Domains
CoMPASS-DL: Design and Use of a Concept Map Interface for Helping Middle School Students Navigate Digital Libraries
Enhancing Literacy in Science Through Digital Text, Simulations, and Design Challenges
Implementing a Workflow Visualization System for Design Based Research
EAGER: SAVI: Dynamic Digital Text: An Innovation in STEM Education
Bio-Sphere: Fostering Deep Learning of Complex Biology for Building Our Next Generation's Scientists
Science Inquiry Using Physical and Virtual Experiments: Systematic Investigation of Issues and Conditions for Learning
Bio-Sphere: Fostering Deep Learning of Complex Biology for Building Our Next Generation's Scientists
CAP: ICLS 2016: Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners