Matthew Wolfgram
Associate Researcher and Principal Investigator
Matthew Wolfgram, Ph.D., is an anthropologist of education and education researcher at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research. His research employs ethnography, participatory action research, and other qualitative research methods to study factors that impact the educational experiences of minoritized college students. His recent publications are featured in New Directions for Higher Education, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Harvard Education Review, Teachers College Record, AERA Open, Journal of Education and Work, Action Research, Anthropology & Education Quarterly, Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees, and Signs and Society. Dr. Wolfgram's current study examines STEM experiences of Hmong undergraduates across Wisconsin—
Contact Information
Phone: (608) 436-0478
Office: 551S Ed Sciences
Current Projects
Community -Based Learning Coure Development GrantExploring Student Service Member/Veteran STEM Career Persistence Longitudinally and in Military-Centric Contexts
STEM Undergraduate Education for Minoritized Students: A Longitudinal Mixed-Methods Study of the STEM Experiences of Hmong American College Students