Daniella Molle

Research Director

Dr. Daniella Molle is a qualitative researcher who conducts inquiries related to equitable education for historically underserved students. She has a background in the teaching and learning of English as an additional language. For a decade, her work focused on expanding educators’ capacity to meet the needs of multilingual students through job-embedded professional learning. Since 2021, Daniella has been the research director of a large grant-funded project focused on equity-centered school leadership, CALL-ECL

Daniella earned her masters’ degree at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and her doctorate at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Contact Information

Phone: (608) 265-3768
Office: 753J Ed Sciences

Current Projects

A CALL for Equity-Centered Leadership (CALL-ECL)

Completed Projects

Literacy in Assessment and Data Designed for Effective Results for English Language Learners (LADDER)