Bradley Carl

Scientist III and WEC Founding Co-Director

Dr. Bradley Carl is a Scientist and fouding Co-Director of the Wisconsin Evaluation Collaborative (WEC), housed within the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER) at UW-Madison. He is the PI or Co-PI on more than 25 current and completed grants and fee-for-service projects totaling more than $3 million. His current research interests include initiatives to strengthen and diversify the educator workforce (including “grow your own” programs, educator compensation, and induction/mentoring programs), rural school improvement programs, and district and school-level accountability systems. He serves on several state-level advisory committees and is a frequent presenter and author on these and other topics. Prior to joining WCER, Dr. Carl worked for the Office of Educational Accountability at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, the Center on Education and Work at UW-Madison, and the American Institutes for Research in Washington, D.C. He holds a PhD in Sociology from Michigan State University.  

Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information
Phone: (608) 263-3040
Office: 1161E Ed Sciences

Current Projects

Wisconsin Evaluation Collaborative
WEC General
WEC-DHS-Youth Tobacco Survey

Completed Projects

Accountability and Performance in Secondary Education in the Milwaukee Public Schools
ARRA Evaluation of Programs and Services that Address Transitions To and From High School
ARRA Evaluation of After-School Tutoring Programs
Testing the Promise: A Randomized Trial of a Promise College Scholarship for Urban Public School Students
Scaling Up Smart Spaces for Underrepresented Gifted Students Through the Response to Intervention Framework
GEAR UP Year 4 2014-2015
Evaluation of the Wisconsin State Personnel Development Grant: 2015-2016
Support for the Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness System 2015-2017
MPS Embedded Researcher 2015-2016
GEAR UP Evaluation Project 2015-2016
The Embedded Researcher at MPS 2016-2017
Evaluation of the Milwaukee Partnership School Project 2018-19
Reading Foundations Continuous Improvement System Evaluation Scope
Support for the Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness System Fiscal Years 2021-2023
Evaluation of the Milwaukee Partnership School Project
Educators Rising: Analysis of a "Grow Your Own" Strategy to Address Teacher Shortages in Rural Wisconsin