Ross Benbow

Ross J. Benbow is a Researcher with the Wisconsin Center for Education Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. With a background in political science, international education, and comparative analysis, Dr. Benbow earned his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Department of Educational Policy Studies. He specializes in mixed methods and social network approaches to research, and as a project leader, qualitative analyst, consultant, teacher, and writer has shared his work in books—including Beyond the Skills Gap (2016), winner of the AAC&U Frederic W. Ness Book Award—as well as academic journals such as the Harvard Educational Review, the Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, the Journal of College Student Development, and the Journal of the Learning Sciences. Dr. Benbow's current research focuses on relationships among teaching and learning, student support services, and sociocultural transitions in colleges and universities, with a particular interest in the pathways of marginalized undergraduates. He is the Principal Investigator of the Veteran Education to Workforce Affinity and Success Study (VETWAYS), a National Science Foundation-funded project centered on the social support networks and academic trajectories of student military service members and veterans. Ross is also a senior investigator with the Networks and Cultural Assets Project (NCA), an NSF- and Gates Foundation-funded research and technical assistance program using asset-based perspectives to help college educators better support Latina/o students.
Contact Information
Office: 551J Ed Sciences
Current Projects
Exploring Student Service Member/Veteran STEM Career Persistence Longitudinally and in Military-Centric ContextsCompleted Projects
Talking about Leaving, Revisited: Exploring Current Patterns of Undergraduate Persistence in the SciencesCollaborative Research: Exploring Factors That Shape Education and Workplace Training on Essential 21st Century Competencies: A Translational Study in Four High-Stem Job Regions
Exploring STEM Career Pathway Persistence Among Student Service Members and Veterans: A Mixed Methods Longitudinal Study of Social Supoort Networks