Xueli Wang

Barbara and Glenn Thompson Professor in Educational Leadership

Xueli Wang is the Barbara and Glenn Thompson Professor in Educational Leadership and a Professor of Higher Education in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She teaches graduate courses on community colleges, assessment in higher education, and mixed methods research in education. With a focus on STEM education and community colleges, Dr. Wang's research is aimed at identifying practices, structures, and policies toward transformative change for optimal educational opportunities and equitable outcomes. In collaboration with a number of community and technical colleges, her NSF-funded longitudinal, mixed methods projects have investigated beginning two-year college students' pathways and success, particularly in STEM fields, as well as how faculty development translates into teaching practices that subsequently shape students’ experiences and outcomes.

A recent example of Dr. Wang's work is her book On My Own: The Challenge and Promise of Building Equitable STEM Transfer Pathways (published by Harvard Education Press, 2020; https://www.hepg.org/hep-home/books/on-my-own). Grounded in longitudinal, mixed methods research, this book unravels inequities in access to transfer, particularly in STEM fields of study, and illuminates policy and practices toward cultivating equitable STEM transfer pathways.

Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

Phone: (608) 262-9872
Office: 685 Ed Sciences

Current Projects

Crisis as Catalyst for Change and Innovation - Targeted Research on Institutional Response and Enduring Impacts on Advanced Technological Education
Thriving in Community Colleges: A Longitudinal Mixed Methods Study of Student Mental Health and Academic Success (Main account)
Thriving in Community Colleges: A Longitudinal Mixed Methods Study of Student Mental Health and Academic Success (Stanislaus State subcontract account)

Completed Projects

Improving Educational Outcomes in Manufacturing Engineering Technologist and Technician Education (METTE)
Modeling Student Entrance into STEM Fields of Study at Community Colleges and Four-Year Institutions
Improving Educational Outcomes in Manufacturing Engineering Technologist and Technician Education (METTE) - PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTS
Pathway to a Baccalaureate in STEM Fields: Are Community Colleges a Viable Route?
Toward Viable STEM Pathways from Community Colleges to Four-year Institutions: Course-taking Patterns of Community College STEM Transfers
Expanding STEM Talent Through Upward Transfer: Factors Influencing Transfer in STEM Fields from Two-Year to Four-Year Institutions
Contextualize to Learn: Preparing Faculty Toward Math Contextualization for Student Sucess in Advanced Technological Education
Contextualize to Learn: Preparing Faculty Toward Math Contextualization for Student Success in Advanced Technological Education
A Transformative Mixed Methods Study of and With Community College Students Navigating Mental Health Issues
Crisis as Catalyst for Change and Innovation:Targeted Research on Institutional Response and Enduring Impacts on Advanced Technological Education (Supplement)