Nafsaniath Fathema
Researcher and Evaluator

Nafsaniath Fathema, Ph.D. MBA, is researcher and evaluator. She studies technology adoption and its impact on teaching-learning processes. Her other areas of research explore technology based innovative teaching practices in higher education with special focus on STEM education.
Being a mixed method researcher and evaluator, Dr. Fathema utilizes quantitative, qualitative or mixed methodology to study different research phenomenon. She taught a wide variety of graduate and undergraduate educational research methods and business courses in the US and abroad for over ten years.
Dr. Fathema holds a Ph.D from the Auburn University. As a Fulbright fellow, she earned her MBA in MIS and e-commerce marketing from the Rochester Institute of Technology.
Contact Information
Office: 551-H Ed Sciences
Current Projects
Fathema Fee For Service ProjectsCollaborative Research: CyberTraining: Implementation: Medium: The Informatics Skunkworks Program for Undergraduate Research at the Interface of Data Science and Materials Science and Engineering
Completed Projects
Scientific Communication Advances Research Excellence (SCOARE) ProgramBuilding a Diverse Biomedical Workforce Through Communication Across Difference