Donald Gillian-Daniel

Contact Information
Phone: (608) 265-9969
Office: 551C Ed Sciences
Current Projects
Collaborative Research: IMPLEMENTATION: EVOLVED - Embedding a Vision to Operationalize, Lift up, and Value Equity and Diversity in the Consortium of Aquatic Science SocietiesADVANCE Partnership: Raising Equity Values with the Inclusive Professional Framework and International Organization for Standardization Standards in Engineering Societies (REVIIS)
Completed Projects
Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL)NSF's Eddie Bernice Johnson INCLUDES Aspire Alliance
Collaborative Research: IUSE EHR - Inclusive Learning and Teaching in Undergraduate STEM Instruction
Aspire’s Inclusive Faculty Framework Professional Development Series: Building DEI Capacity in the INCLUDES National Network to Broaden Participation
ADVANCE Partnership: ACCESS+ Initiative to Leverage STEM Professional Societies to Accelerate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Systemic Change in STEM Academic Professions
RCN: LEAPS: Leveraging, Enhancing and Developing Biology (LED-BIO): Scientific Societies Shedding Light on Persistent Cultural Challenges