New Governance Through New Policy Networks in Education
February 4, 2015, 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Wisconsin Idea Room 159, Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall
Gary Anderson
Professor of Educational Administration at New York University

For the last 30 years, educational policy has been driven by new forms of governance and new policy networks. The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is an example of a unique node within larger policy networks composed of new policy entrepreneurs (e.g., venture philanthropists, think-tanks, private “edu-businesses” and their lobbyists, advocacy organizations and social entrepreneurs). These new policy networks, through an array of new modalities of governance and political and discursive strategies, have come to exert an impressive level of influence on public policy. In his talk, Anderson will describe and analyze several model education bills that ALEC has promoted and describe the political and discursive strategies ALEC employs. He will discuss how these strategies, which are employed by corporate leaders and state legislators, are part of a strategic alliance of neoliberal, neoconservative, libertarian and liberal constituencies with the goal of privatizing both public education and the policy formation process itself.