ITP | Engaging Policymakers: Best Practices From Those Who Study It and Do It
September 24, 2021, 12-1:30 pm Central Time
259 Educational Sciences
Dr. Karen Bogenschneider
Rothermel-Bascom Professor Emeritus of Human Ecology, UW-Madison
Since its inception in 1992 through 2016, Dr. Bogenschneider served as director of the Wisconsin Family Impact Seminars – a series of presentations, briefing reports, and discussion sessions that communicate high-quality, nonpartisan research to state policymakers. From 1999-2014, she served as Executive Director of the Family Impact Institute that provided training and technical assistance to about two dozen states that conducted over 225 Family Impact Seminars. The second edition was just released of Prof. Bogenschneider’s and Tom Corbett’s book, Evidence-Based Policymaking: Envisioning a New Era of Theory, Research, and Practice, and her book, Family Policy Matters, is in its third edition. She has conducted five national trainings for researchers interested in working with policymakers and 16 trainings for faculty directors of the Family Impact Seminars. She has received a number of awards for her research and outreach, including being honored by the Wisconsin State Legislature for her service to the state. She recently served on a National Academy of Sciences roundtable on the communication and application of social and behavioral science research.