ITP Lecture Featuring David Yeager
April 20, 2018, 12:00 - 1:30 pm
Educational Sciences Room 259, 1025 West Johnson Street
David Yeager
Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Yeager is interested in understanding the processes shaping adolescent development, especially how social cognitive factors interact with structural and physiological factors to create positive or negative trajectories for youth. He is also interested in learning how to influence these psychological processes, so as to improve developmental and educational outcomes for youth. He primarily conducts randomized experiments in school settings because he believes, as Bronfenbrenner and Lewin did, that a good way to understand the system of forces affecting behavior and development is to try to change it. In addition, in the process of designing experiments, we may create interventions that, with some adaptation, may be useful for addressing important problems facing society.