ITP | We ask so much: The division of rationalized labor in the education industry
September 20, 2024, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time
259 Educational Sciences and Zoom
Michelle Jackson
Assistant Professor, Sociology, Stanford University

A key prediction of classical theories of the division of labor is that, over time, specialized occupations are responsible for an ever-narrower range of tasks. In contrast to the predictions of classical theories, I show that the macro-level forces of scientific development and rationalization in fact work to complicate tasks and responsibilities. I use the case of the education industry to cast light on this general pattern. Using data from school yearbooks, academic journals, job task analyses, and government reports, I examine changes in the division of labor in the education industry over the past c.150 years. I show that teachers and schools are asked to take on more tasks today than in the past, and consider some of the possible consequences for teachers, schools and societies.
The event will be simultaneously held on Zoom for external attendees. Please email Grace Jensen ( in advance to receive access to the calendar invite if you wish to attend the presentation via Zoom.