MSAN Consortium | Spring Educator Conference
April 19, 2021 – April 20, 2021, 12:30 - 4:15 pm each day
The authors of the "Five Practices for Equity-Focused School Leadership," Sharon I. Radd; Gretchen Givens Generett; Mark Anthony Gooden; George Theoharis
Speaker affiliations include: St. Catherine University, Duquesne University, Columbia University, Syracuse University

The MSAN Institute is a virtual, two day, intensive professional development opportunity dedicated to growing our understanding of current research and district practices that further anti-racist school leadership and teaching. The 2021 MSAN Institute includes keynote speakers, breakout sessions, job-alike networking, and the highlight of all MSAN Institutes - hearing from our amazing student equity leaders!
Learn more about the MSAN Consortium here.