The Future of Higher Education Credentials
October 24, 2017, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Educational Sciences Room 259, 1025 West Johnson Street
Sean Gallaher
Executive Director of Northeastern University’s Center for the Future of Higher Education and Talent Strategy

At a time of heightened attention to how universities and colleges are preparing young people for the working world, questions about the meaning and value of university credentials – especially bachelor’s degrees - have become especially prominent. With the rise of alternative credentials such as badges and certificates, Dr. Sean Gallagher will provide an overview of this fast-changing terrain, providing much-needed context, details, and insights. Dr. David Schejbal, Dean of Continuing Education, Outreach and E-Learning at UW-Extension will provide closing remarks on the topic based on his extensive experience with online and competency-based education, and with the UW Flexible Option program.
Free lunch and beverages provided while they last!
This event is sponsored by the The Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions (CCWT).