WIES Series: Everyday Life Settings for Environmental Learning and Stewardship
April 27, 2016, 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Wisconsin Idea Room, 159 Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall
Nicole M. Ardoin
Assistant Professor, Stanford Graduate School of Education

As environmental and social changes threaten natural and human-built ecosystems, environmental education represents an opportunity to engage citizens of all ages with the challenges and opportunities related to sustainability. Professor Nicole Ardoin and her research team have been exploring how residents of the San Francisco Bay Area envision connections to their place, how these connections do (or do not) relate to stewardship behaviors they may be undertaking, and when, where, and how everyday life environmental learning occurs. Through focus groups and surveys with Bay Area residents, a network analysis of environmental institutions and opportunities, and interconnected case studies, this work suggests the importance of the social landscape of environmental learning—that environmental learning is often rooted in our relationships with each other and with community institutions. These findings have far-reaching implications, including for the roles of community context, collaboration across large geographic scales, and people's connections to place.