2017 MSAN Institute Call for Proposals Open Through February 17
January 18, 2017
The Call for Proposals is now open for the 2017 MSAN Institute on Equity Leadership and Cultural Competence being held April 27-28 at The Concourse Hotel in Madison, WI. Consider submitting a proposal for a 90-minute breakout session highlighting current research or promising practices that inform the mission of the work of MSAN, the Minority Student Achievement Network. Proposals may be submitted online through February 17th at msan.wceruw.org/conferences/institute.html.
Housed at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER), MSAN is a national consortium of mid-sized urban/suburban school districts working to eliminate the effects of institutional racism on student achievement. The Institute, MSAN’s annual conference, is an intensive two-day professional learning opportunity dedicated to sharing cutting-edge strategies for furthering equity-focused leadership and cultural competence in K-12 schools.
MSAN Institute breakout sessions highlight research-based strategies and promising practices for classroom teachers, building- and district-level decision makers, and family engagement leaders; sessions may outline current initiatives as well as inform future research.
Past keynote speakers have included Gloria Ladson-Billings, John Diamond, Yvette Jackson, and Russ Skiba. Breakout sessions are facilitated by a diverse range of MSAN stakeholders, including researchers, teachers, superintendents, and MSAN partners.
For more information, contact MSAN at msan@wcer.wisc.edu.