Erica Halverson Appointed Associate Editor for Journal of the Learning Sciences
January 28, 2016
MADISON, WIS. – Erica Halverson, associate professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction with UW–Madison’s School of Education, has been appointed associate editor of the Journal of the Learning Sciences—the flagship publication for the International Society of Learning Sciences (ISLS), a professional society dedicated to studying how people learn.
“I’m excited that someone, like me, whose disciplinary focus within learning sciences is in arts and making can help shape the direction of this field,” says Halverson about her three-year editorial appointment, which began Jan. 1 of this year.
As an associate editor at the journal, Halverson will review about a dozen manuscripts per year to determine their viability for publication and help guide them through the editorial process. The contributions of associate editors are fundamental to the journal’s operation as its editorial board adheres to a highly competitive and selective review process. According to Halverson, “The Journal of Learning Sciences publishes only four issues per year and accepts about only 10 percent of submissions.”
Halverson is excited that her role as a JLS associate editor places her at the forefront of the latest developments in learning sciences. “I will be reading broadly around issues of how people learn, and that can only influence and enhance my understanding of the field.”