ITP Fellow Wins Best Graduate Student Paper Award
May 10, 2010
At last week’s annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association ITP Fellow Anna Haskins received the Sociology of Education Special Interest Group's "Best Graduate Student Paper" award for her paper "Unintended Consequences of Mass Imprisonment: Effects of Paternal Incarceration on Child School Readiness." ITP is UW-Madison’s Interdisciplinary Training Program in Education Sciences. The program builds on tools of measurement, design, and statistics in education and the social sciences to train a new generation of researchers attuned to the need for concrete knowledge about “what works” in education. They will bring the most rigorous tools of quantitative social science to bear on the practical problems of education. Over five years, 30 students will be trained by an interdisciplinary collaborative team of more than 20 social scientists from four academic departments. More information is available here.