Video Posted of Berland’s Lecture on Students’ Meaningful Engagement in Science
January 7, 2015

Leema Berland
In November, Leema Berland gave a presentation on meaningful engagement in science classrooms to the Create for STEM Institute at Michigan State University. A video of that presentation is now available on the Create for STEM website.
Berland is an assistant professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She is currently a principal investigator on the National Science Foundation-funded project “Fostering Pedagogical Argumentation: Reasoning With and About Student Ideas” and co-principal investigator on the NSF-funded project “Supporting Scientific Practices in Elementary and Middle School Classrooms.”
Berland’s work focuses on understanding student engagement in scientific processes and on helping teachers support that engagement. In her work, Berland explores how students interact while working on scientific practices such as argumentation, modeling, and explanation, exploring and seeking to understand how students interpret classroom discussions and why they interpret discussions in the ways that they do.