WCER Graduate Students Present Research Projects
September 10, 2013

Ed Hubbgard and Chansoon "Danielle" Lee
The Department of Educational Psychology’s First-Year Poster Presentation featured several posters by graduate students of WCER researchers. The presentation was held in the Educational Sciences building on Monday, Sept. 9.
The poster session is the culmination of two classes required for first-year educational psychology graduate students, Educational Psychology 709 and 710: Seminar In Research In Educational Psychology I and II. The classes, in which students select and research a topic of their choosing while receiving guidance and support from both faculty and peers, act as a research tutorial for the new graduate students, according to Edward Hubbard, an assistant professor who teaches the classes along with assistant professor Haley Vlach.
“The class is intended to give them a preview of what’s to come as they progress in their studies,” Hubbard said. “It gives them a reasonable expectation of what they can accomplish in a year, and it helps with building a cohort mentality, which is very helpful for peer support. And for some, the poster session is their first opportunity to present their research in a public forum.”
Twelve of the students presenting posters are working with professors with WCER affiliation. Below is a list of those students, as well as their poster projects and their advisors.
Sien Deng, “The Consequence of Ignored Item Complexity on the IRT Ability Metric.” Dan Bolt, advisor.
Amanda Evenstone, “Examining Group Regulation and Convergence in Collaborative Concept-Mapping.” Sadhana Puntambekar, advisor.
Courtney Hall, “Exploring Doubly Robust Estimators in Multilevel Observational Data for Causal Inference.” Peter Steiner, advisor.
Karuza, Chris, “Children’s Understanding of Product Constellations.” Chuck Kalish, advisor.
Chansoon “Danielle” Lee, “A Bayesian Hierarchical Model of Eye-Tracking Data with Implications for the Development of Online Lexical Processing.” David Kaplan, advisor.
Sora Lee, “An Empirical Comparison of LPE and Traditional IRT Models.” Dan Bolt, advisor.
Yen Lee, “Generating Data from Multivariate Discrete Maximum Entropy and Minimum Cross Entropy Distributions.” David Kaplan, advisor.
Michael “Stoops” Noh, “Strategies for Missing Data in Hierarchical Data: Multilevel Multiple Imputation.” Jee-Seon Kim, advisor.
Julia Rutledge, “Examining How Group Gender Composition and Students’ Prior Knowledge Affects Learning.” Sadhana Puntambekar, advisor.
Dan Su, “Design and Analysis of Vignette Experiments: A Case Study on the Gender Income Gap.” Peter Steiner, advisor.
Dan Tetrick, “A Prelminary Investigation of the Concept of Engineering Self-efficacy.” David Williamson Shaffer, adviser.
Eric Tomlinson, “Measurement and Control of Multiple Response Styles Using Reverse Coded Items.” Dan Bolt, advisor.