Wisconsin HOPE Lab Set to Tackle Inequality in College Attainment
April 23, 2014
On May 5, WCER researcher Sara Goldrick-Rab will launch the Wisconsin HOPE Lab, dedicated to making the pursuit of a postsecondary education more accessible and obtainable for Wisconsin students of all backgrounds.
The lab will begin several major studies soon after the launch, but it is already examining the effect of financial aid on college attainment, studying the impact of several low-cost student support interventions, and examining the impact of a comprehensive public benefits access program on community college campuses. The lab is also helping to create a statewide undergraduate internship program and organizing a workshop to bring together schools, community organizations, and philanthropists interested in better supporting students struggling with housing and hunger in college.
Goldrick-Rab has established a reputation as a leading expert on college affordability and its impact on academic performance. In recognition of her rising national profile, she was recently honored with the American Educational Research Association Early Career Award.
For more on the lab and Goldrick-Rab’s work translating her results into better outcomes for the nation’s students, read the UW–Madison School of Education’s article on the Wisconsin HOPE Lab launch reception on May 5.