A Cyberinfrastructure for Design-Based Research: A Collaborative Design Project Proposal
WCER Working Paper No. 2018-14
Sharon J. Derry, Alan Hackbarth, and Sadhana Puntambekar
December 2018, 21 pp.
ABSTRACT: Like numerous others before us, we argue that the educational research community would be well served by a mutually created cyberinfrastructure that encourages and supports engagement by multiple design-based researchers in working toward answers to important theory-driven research questions, moving our field toward a “bigger science” approach. We reach out to members of the educational research community to join with members of other relevant fields, such as computer science, to design, build, support and participate in a mutually established cyberinfrastructure and user community to support design-based research. We seed the discussion by offering a concrete initial proposal to illustrate the possibility of implementing this idea.
keywords: design-based research, cyberinfrastructure, educational research