Longitudinal Data Systems to Support Data-Informed Decision Making: A Tri-State Partnership Between Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin
WCER Working Paper No. 2006-1
Christopher A. Thorn and Robert H. Meyer
March 2006, 10 pp.
ABSTRACT: The U.S. Department of Education recently held a competition for grants to support states in their efforts to build longitudinal data systems to track and analyze student and school performance. The Value-Added Research Center (VARC) at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin–Madison, proposed a Tri-State Partnership in collaboration with the states of Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Fourteen states were funded, with the Tri-State Partnership proposal the only multistate effort to win approval. This paper outlines the initial design and work plan of the partnership. It also presents several of the design concerns related to complex system development for educational improvement.
keywords: Longitudinal Data Systems; Data-Informed Decision Making; Value-Added Analysis; Large-Scale Program Evaluation