
WCER and its projects host dozens of lectures, panels discussions and other events throughout the year, including the Wisconsin Ideas in Education and Carl A. Grant series, and the annual UW-Madison Education Research Poster Fair.

Nearly all these events are free, and open to the campus community, as well as to other educators, community leaders and members of the interested public.

You can scroll event descriptions beginning with the most current on this page, get a larger view and subscribe to WCER’s Google calendar, visit the individual pages for each type of event or use the search.

Past Events

ITP | An Empirical Evaluation of Advanced Phonemic Awareness Training for Struggling Second- and Third-Grade Students

Alex Latham, Graduate Student, Educational Psychology and ITP Fellow, UW-Madison

April 5, 2024, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences and Zoom

ITP | Making “Fast Friends” during Childhood and Adolescence:  Examining Online and School Contexts

Kat Swerbenski, Graduate Student, Psychology, UW–Madison

March 15, 2024, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences and Zoom

Students’ responses to evidence of systemic racism in a forensic science class: An evaluation

Linden E. Higgins, Department of Biology, University of Vermont & WCER Visiting Researcher

March 14, 2024, Noon to 1:00 p.m., 259 Educational Sciences and Zoom

ITP | Here or There? LGBTQ+ Students’ Access to Safe Schools by Locale in Wisconsin

Erin Gill, Graduate Student, Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis, UW–Madison

March 8, 2024, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences and Zoom

ITP | The development of STEM motivation among diverse adolescents: Barriers and sources of support

Christy Starr, Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology, UW–Madison

March 1, 2024, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences and Zoom

ITP | Professional Development Seminar: Collaborative Writing and Tips for Attending Scientific Conferences

Martha Alibali, ITP Director, Psychology Professor, UW–Madison

February 23, 2024, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences and Zoom

ITP | Writing and Wellness in Graduate School

Abby Letak, Writing Center Teaching Faculty, UW–Madison

February 16, 2024, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences and Zoom

ITP | Pre-registration in the Education Sciences:  Premises, Logic, and Implementation

James Pustejovsky, Associate Professor, Educational Psychology, UW–Madison

February 9, 2024, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences and Zoom

ITP | Math vs. Reading: Charting the Changes in Youths’ Academic Inclinations During K–12

Sirui Wan, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Psychology, UW–Madison

February 2, 2024, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences and Zoom

Carl A. Grant Scholars Lecture/ITP Seminar: My School District Isn’t Segregated: Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Information on Parental Preferences Regarding School Segregation

Marissa Thompson, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Columbia University

November 17, 2023, Noon to 1:30 p.m., 259 Educational Sciences

What Works for Supporting English Learner Students: A Meta-Analysis

Rachel Garrett, Principal Researcher at American Institutes for Research

November 17, 2023, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Educational Sciences 13th floor

ITP | Promoting Well-being in Schools is Good Educational Policy

Matt Hirshberg, Scientist, Center for Healthy Minds, UW−Madison

November 10, 2023, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences and Zoom

ITP | The Long Arm of Education: Cognitive Health at Midlife

Eric Grodsky, Professor, Sociology and Educational Policy Studies, UW−Madison

October 27, 2023, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences and Zoom

Carl A. Grant Scholars Lecture: What if I (We) Don’t? Leading to Mobilize a Human Infrastructure for Equitable STEM Education

Stefanie Marshall, Assistant Professor of Science Education, Michigan State University

October 17, 2023, Noon to 1:00 p.m., 259 Educational Sciences

ITP | School Resource Officers and the Definitional Boundaries of Law Enforcement: Understanding the Safety Logic

Ben Fisher, Associate Professor, Civil Society & Community Studies, UW-Madison

October 13, 2023, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences and Zoom