Other Series

WCER and its projects present lectures, workshops and networking series developed for a variety of audiences, including students, faculty, staff and colleagues of UW–Madison, as well as stakeholders, such as educators, public officials, community leaders and the interested public.

Current series include:

Interdisciplinary Training Program Seminar in Education Sciences

This bi-weekly discussion series connects graduate students with peers and experts on topics integral to professional success in education research. Topics selected generally are not taught in common coursework, yet are necessary for success in an education researcher’s career.

Qualitative Methods Group Lectures

Past Events

ITP Seminar Series: Translational Workshop: Crafting Research to Inform Federal Policy

March 10, 2017, 12:00 - 2:00 pm, Wisconsin Idea Room (159) Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall

Cultivating Self-in-Context as Responsive Evaluators

Hazel Symonette, Ph.D. , Founder, director of the Student Success Institute; Program development & assessment specialist in the Division of Student Life

February 22, 2017, Noon - 1:00 pm, Educational Sciences Room 259, 1025 West Johnson Street

Conducting International Evaluations

February 21, 2017, Noon - 1:00 pm, Educational Sciences Room 259, 1025 West Johnson Street

ITP Seminar Series: Optimizing Prediction in the Context of Large-Scale Educational Assessments

David Kaplan, Professor, Educational Psychology, UW-Madison

February 17, 2017, Noon - 1:30 pm, Educational Sciences Room 259, 1025 West Johnson Street

ITP Seminar Series: Developing Collaborative Research Initiatives

Madeline Hafner, Executive Director of the Minority Student Achievement Network (MSAN)

February 3, 2017, Noon - 1:30 pm, Educational Sciences Room 259, 1025 West Johnson Street

Wisconsin Ideas in Education Lecture Series: ICAP: A Theoretical Framework for Active Learning

Michelene Chi, Professor of Science and Teaching, Arizona State University

February 1, 2017, 12:30 - 1:30 pm, Wisconsin Idea Room (159) Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall

Lunch and Learn Series: Why Equity?

Erika C. Bullock, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education and Assistant to the Editor-in- Chief, Journal of Urban Mathematics Education

January 30, 2017, Noon - 1:00 pm, Educational Sciences Room 259, 1025 West Johnson Street

ITP Seminar: Improving Instructional Data Use

Martin West, Associate Professor of Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education

December 9, 2016, 12:00 - 1:30 PM, Educational Sciences Room 259, 1025 West Johnson Street

ITP Translational Workshop: Working with the Press to Get the Word Out

Eric Grodsky, Moderator, Associate Professor of Sociology and Educational Policy Studies, UW-Madison

December 2, 2016, 12:00 - 2:00 PM, Educational Sciences Room 259, 1025 West Johnson Street

Lunch and Learn Series: Explore “Evicted: Poverty & Profit in the American City”

Kate McCleary, Facilitator

November 21, 2016, 12:00 - 1:00 PM, Educational Sciences Room 259, 1025 West Johnson Street

ITP Seminar: The Causal Effects of Cultural Relevance

Thomas S. Dee, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, Stanford Graduate School of Education

November 18, 2016, 12:00 - 1:30, Educational Sciences Room 259, 1025 West Johnson Street

ITP Seminar: Using Multiple Discontinuities to Estimate Effects of Public Need-Based Aid for College

Drew Anderson, Postdoctoral Researcher, Center for Financial Security, UW–Madison

November 11, 2016, 12:00 - 1:30, Educational Sciences Room 259, 1025 West Johnson Street

ITP Translational Workshop: Research Practice Partnerships in Wisconsin

Panel with Eric Camburn, Peter Goff, Kurt Kiefer, Robert Mathieu, Beth Vaade, Representing ELPA, DPI, WCER and MMSD

November 4, 2016, 12:00 - 2:00, Wisconsin Idea Room, 159 Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall

Lunch and Learn: Practical Reflections upon and Responses to Homelessness

Peter Miller, Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis, UW-Madison

October 31, 2016, 12:00 - 1:00, Educational Sciences Room 259, 1025 West Johnson Street

ITP Seminar: Prompting Active Choice Among High Risk Borrowers

Benjamin Castleman, Assistant Professor of Education and Public Policy, University of Virginia

October 28, 2016, 12:00 - 1:30, Educational Sciences Room 259, 1025 West Johnson Street