David Schaffer: PI Interview
June 16, 2014
David Schaffer: Professor of Educational Psychology, Director of Epistemic Games Group
Annalee G. Good in Education Week
June 10, 2014
VARC's Annalee G. Good is co-author of the new book, "Equal Scrutiny: Privatization and Accountability in Digital Education." (Education Week)
Department Chairs Become Instructional Leaders
June 2, 2014
Distributed throughout a high school, department chairs are ideally positioned to help increase student learning, and yet they receive little or no formal training, and there is no universally accepted job description.
Susan Smetzer-Anderson in The Cap Times
May 28, 2014
Susan Smetzer-Anderson praises Madison Metropolitan School District Superintendent Jennifer Cheatham's work to address the achievement gap in the city's schools. (28 May, The Cap Times)
Tackling Racial Disparities in School Discipline
May 22, 2014
MSAN hosted its 2014 Institute on April 14 and 15 in Madison, attracting hundreds of educators from public school districts
Wisconsin HOPE Lab in the Chronicle of Higher Education
May 12, 2014
The Wisconsin HOPE Lab receives praise for its planned two-year evaluation of Copley Retention Systems' student retention software (12 May, Chronicle of Higher Education)
Ryan Adserias on Wisconsin Public Radio
May 6, 2014
Ryan Adserias discusses gender identity, gender expression, and the use of gender pronouns (6 May, Wisconsin Public Radio)
Aligning Educational Policy and Curricula with Employer Expectations
May 1, 2014
Millions remain unemployed as the nation’s economy recovers all too slowly from the recession of 2008.
Annalee Good in the Badger Herald
May 1, 2014
Annalee Good points out economic disparities in digital education (1 May, Badger Herald)
The Network Seeks to Transform Public Education
April 29, 2014
Funded by Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction, the UW–Madison School of Education, and WCER, the Network creates collaborative, interdisciplinary opportunities to share knowledge and turn research into effective practices that improve education both inside and outside of schools.
Sara Goldrick-Rab in Forbes
April 29, 2014
The status quo of higher education must change, according to Sara Goldrick-Rab (29 April, Forbes)
What Factors Make College Affordable for Low-Income Students
April 28, 2014
Many students from low-income families leave college before completing a degree, sometimes attributing their departure to college “unaffordability."
Creating a Computer Science Pipeline for African Americans
April 28, 2014
The number of African American faculty teaching computer science in higher education is alarmingly low, according to LaVar J. Charleston.
Sara Goldrick-Rab on Thedailypage.com
April 24, 2014
Sara Goldrick-Rab says adjunct professors are increasingly teaching entry-level courses that were the province of tenured faculty (24 April, Thedailypage.com)
Nathan’s Paper on Study Habits Passes Popularity Milestone
April 23, 2014
A paper coauthored by Mitchell J. Nathan published in January 2013 in Psychological Science in the Public Interest has garnered more than 100,000 downloads/page views, making it the most downloaded article in the journal’s history.