Sara Goldrick-Rab on National Public Radio
March 29, 2010
Sara Goldrick-Rab comments on the lack of federal funds for community colleges (National Public Radio, 29 March).
Helping Students Understand Proofs
March 29, 2010
Students often have difficulties understanding mathematical proofs. Recent calls for a stronger focus on proof and justification in the middle grades have led to changes in curriculum and in teaching.
Allan Odden in the Orlando Sentinel
March 26, 2010
Allan Odden comments on a Florida Senate bill that would tie teacher salaries to student performance (Orlando Sentinel, 26 March).
What Makes Schools Work
March 22, 2010
John Smithson and colleagues are analyzing how teachers in about 150 schools teach grades 2-8 mathematics.
VARC Featured in NY Public Schools Training Video
March 15, 2010
WCER’s Value-Added Research Center is helping New York City schools better measure teacher contributions to student achievement.
A New Era for the Strategic Management of Human Capital
March 10, 2010
Over the past 18 months educators have seen the national education reform agenda transformed. Novel ideas and unique strategies have been placed on the national docket for serious consideration. This transformation includes a focus on developing talent and managing human capital, a core emphasis of the education agenda of President Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.
The Mathematics of Space and Motion
March 8, 2010
Martha Alibali and Mitchell Nathan are leading a team of three university groups investigating the learning and teaching of the mathematics of space and motion.
Robert Mathieu in ArsTechnica
March 7, 2010
Robert Mathieu says learning is occurring in spite of our graduate system, not because of it (ArsTechnica, 7 March).
District and School Contexts Affect Science Curriculum Reform
March 1, 2010
National and state contexts affect curriculum reform by shaping district policies and resource allocation.
Eric Camburn in the Isthmus
February 26, 2010
Eric Camburn comments on efforts to improve teaching quality (Isthmus, 26 Feb.).
Postdoctoral Students Train in Mathematical Learning and Instruction
February 22, 2010
The U.S. needs more well-trained education researchers (a) to address questions about the effectiveness of educational programs and policies and (b) to provide an empirical basis for designs of curricula, assessments, instructional approaches, and learning environments.
Gary Cook in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
February 20, 2010
Gary Cook says teachers and school administrators want more training to better interpret and use data from the state's assessment system (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 20 Feb.).
Ruth Lopez-Turley in the Los Angeles Times
February 15, 2010
Ruth Lopez-Turley discusses college enrollment trends among Latino and Hispanic students (Los Angeles Times, 15 Feb.).
Millar Named Morgridge Institute Leader
February 15, 2010
WCER Scientist Susan Millar has been appointed to the leadership team for The Morgridge Institute for Research.
Distributing Leadership to Support Instructional Change
February 10, 2010
Discussions of comprehensive school reform and distributed leadership have been dominated by descriptions of what they are and what forms they take.