Research is Important, but so is Teaching
November 15, 2010
Some federal funding agencies, including the National Science Foundation (NSF), have begun demanding visible, practical results of funded research.
Steven Kimball in the La Crosse Tribune
November 14, 2010
Steven Kimball comments on Governor-elect Walker's plans for teacher evaluation and pay (La Crosse Tribune 14 Nov).
Adam Gamoran in the Wisconsin State Journal
November 10, 2010
Adam Gamoran remarks on the value of Advanced Placement classes (Wisconsin State Journal, 10 Nov).
Allan Odden in Education Week
November 10, 2010
Allan Odden urges school districts to revamp their entire pay schedules, rather than just tinker with lane increases (Education Week, 10 Nov).
VARC in the LA Times
November 9, 2010
The Los Angeles Board of Education has approved a contract with WCER's Value-Added Research Center to analyze teachers' effectiveness in raising students' standardized test scores (LA Times 9 Nov).
FAST Program Receives UN Recognition
November 8, 2010
Families and Schools Together (FAST), a long time project at WCER, has become a global phenomenon.
Adam Gamoran in Education Week
November 5, 2010
Adam Gamoran says states should be required to share student data with researchers as a condition of receiving federal grants to build databases (Education Week, 5 Nov.).
Adam Gamoran on Education Week
November 1, 2010
Adam Gamoran comments on the Institute of Education Sciences' decision to accept some additional research methods as meeting the highest quality bar (Education Week).
MSAN in the Harvard Education Letter
November 1, 2010
In the face of increasing segregation in public schools, the Minority Student Achievement Network works to raise the achievement of African American and Latino students (Harvard Education Letter, v. 26 no. 5).
Value-Added Research in Milwaukee Public Schools
November 1, 2010
For the past seven years WCER staff have worked with Milwaukee Public Schools district staff to develop their capacity to analyze and make full use of data on students and schools.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime recognizes Families and Schools Together
October 31, 2010
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime recognizes Families and Schools Together (FAST) as an effective evidence-based family skills program.
Evaluating the Chicago Community Trust Education Program
October 25, 2010
Since 2005, researchers from the Consortium for Policy Research in Education have been evaluating the Chicago Community Trust’s Education Program.
VARC in the New York Times
October 20, 2010
The Value-Added Research Center is evaluating teacher contributions to student learning in New York City's 4th and 8th grades (New York Times, 20 Oct.).
Advanced Career Pathways in Manufacturing
October 18, 2010
Wisconsin is among six states receiving grants from the U.S. Department of Education under the Promoting Rigorous Career and Technical Education Programs of Study (POS) Program.
A New Practice Guide for Using Data Effectively
October 15, 2010
Educators face increasing pressure to improve student achievement. To this end, educators and policy-makers use data, such as standardized test scores, to evaluate their practice and to monitor students’ academic progress.