U.S. student leaders meet in Madison to address academic achievement gaps

October 5, 2015

Verona Area School District, UW-Madison host 16th annual MSAN Student Conference

Christine Pribbenow in the Badger Herald

October 5, 2015

Christine Pribbenow discusses launch of NIH-funded video game that uncovers unconscious racial bias in STEM higher education (Badger Herald, 5 Oct.)

Wisconsin HOPE Lab in Inside Higher Education

September 28, 2015

Wisconsin HOPE Lab researchers explain why cuts in higher education funding disproportionately hurt students at community colleges (Inside Higher Education, 28 Sept.)

Center for Ethics and Education at UW-Madison Announces Inaugural Fellows

July 22, 2015

The Center for Ethics and Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the first academic center of its kind in the United States, announced its appointment of five inaugural senior fellows.

Beth Graue and Anita Wager in the Capital Times

July 22, 2015

Beth Graue and Anita Wager discuss teaching math to young children (Capital Times, 22 July)

PRIME approach improves teacher implementation of student behavior plans

July 21, 2015

Disruptive classroom behavior across grade levels has worsened in recent years, according to teachers polled by Scholastic and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2012. More than half of the teachers questioned said they wish they could spend less time disciplining students.

Multidisciplinary $10 Million NIH Grant Accelerates Mentoring to Diversify Science

July 21, 2015

Christine Pfund is using a decade’s worth of knowledge improving mentoring outcomes to serve a key role on a multidisciplinary, multi-institution team recently awarded a $10 million National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to develop a national research mentoring network.

Hess Named Next School of Education Dean

July 16, 2015

Diana Hess, senior vice president of the Spencer Foundation in Chicago, has been named the next dean of UW-Madison’s School of Education. Hess, who is also a professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, will begin Aug. 1.

Jerlando Jackson in the Capital Times

July 13, 2015

Jerlando Jackson leads community effort to help young men of color with 'My Brother's Keeper' (Capital Times, 12 July)

Sara Goldrick-Rab on CSMonitor.com

July 13, 2015

Sara Goldrick-Rab says the elimination of tenure protections means she and many colleagues may leave the university for other institutions (CSMonitor.com, 13 July)

Faculty Beliefs about Teaching Found to Change According to Situation

July 1, 2015

WCER researcher Matthew Hora finds that faculty often hold multiple beliefs about how students learn best and that these beliefs vary according to the situation.

Preparing Future Teachers to Transform Science Class Discussions

June 18, 2015

It wasn’t until three researchers landed in the School of Education’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction that they decided to team up to see how they could support those best practices among teachers-in-training.

WCER Welcomes Chinese, Azerbaijani, Native Alaskan Delegations

June 12, 2015

In the past few weeks, visitors from China, Azerbaijan and Alaska have visited the Wisconsin Center for Education Research to learn more about its research and offer perspectives on their own experiences in education.

The Future of Internships Is Virtual

June 10, 2015

The internship, a long-held tradition of the business world, is overdue for innovation.

Jerlando Jackson and Sara Goldrick-Rab in Diverse Issues

June 4, 2015

Jerlando Jackson and Sara Goldrick-Rab comment on proposed changes to the university tenure system (Diverse Issues, 4 June)