Learning About Value-Added

April 19, 2010

WCER's Value-Added Research Center (VARC) offers tutorials to help get you up to speed in value-added assessment.

MSAN on AZCentral.com

April 13, 2010

Arizona's Paradise Valley district hopes MSAN will help close minority student achievement gap (AZCentral.com, 13 April).

Summer Academies for ELL Educators

April 13, 2010

WIDA will host 3 summer academies for teachers and trainers of teachers of ELLs.

Using Teacher Performance Assessments For Human Capital Management

April 10, 2010

What aspects of teaching most influence student learning? What specific local strategies most improve student achievement?

Gary Cook in the Wisconsin State Journal

April 7, 2010

Gary Cook comments on Wisconsin's adopting the Common Core State Standards (Wisconsin State Journal, April 7)

Tim Boals in Education Week

April 7, 2010

WIDA's Tim Boals supports efforts to require state evaluation standards for ELL students (Education Week, 7 April).

Video Collaborative Supports Professional Development

April 5, 2010

Sharon Derry and colleagues support the practice and development of teachers in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) with the Video Mosaic Collaboratory.

Sara Goldrick-Rab in Inside Higher Ed

April 1, 2010

Sara Goldrick-Rab comments on the report, Parthenon Perspectives on Private Sector Post-Secondary Schools: Do they deliver value to students and society? (Inside Higher Ed, April 1)

Douglas Harris in Education Week

March 31, 2010

Douglas Harris discusses research-based criticism of Race to the Top (Education Week, 31 March).

Beth Graue on Babble.com

March 31, 2010

Beth Graue comments on kindergarten readiness (Babble.com, 31 March)

Sara Goldrick-Rab on National Public Radio

March 29, 2010

Sara Goldrick-Rab comments on the lack of federal funds for community colleges (National Public Radio, 29 March).

Helping Students Understand Proofs

March 29, 2010

Students often have difficulties understanding mathematical proofs. Recent calls for a stronger focus on proof and justification in the middle grades have led to changes in curriculum and in teaching.

Allan Odden in the Orlando Sentinel

March 26, 2010

Allan Odden comments on a Florida Senate bill that would tie teacher salaries to student performance (Orlando Sentinel, 26 March).

What Makes Schools Work

March 22, 2010

John Smithson and colleagues are analyzing how teachers in about 150 schools teach grades 2-8 mathematics.

VARC Featured in NY Public Schools Training Video

March 15, 2010

WCER’s Value-Added Research Center is helping New York City schools better measure teacher contributions to student achievement.