Journal Articles

Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:

The Pipeline Still Leaks and More Than You Think: A Status Report on Gender Diversity in Biomedical Engineering,” Naomi C. Chesler, Gilda Barabino, Sangeeta N. Bhatia and Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2010.

Assessing the Validity of an Annual Survey for Measuring Principle Leadership Practice,” Eric M. Camburn, Jason T. Huff, Ellen B. Goldring and Henry May, The Elementary School Journal, 2010.

Mixing Methods in Randomized Controlled Trials: Validation, Contextualization, Triangulation, and Control,” James P. Spillane, Amber Stitziel Pareja, Lisa Dorner, Carol Barnes, Henry May, Jason Huff and Eric Camburn, Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 2010.

Embedded Teacher Learning Opportunities as a Site for Reflective Practice: An Exploratory Study,” Eric M. Camburn, American Journal of Education, 2010.

Developing Instructional Leaders: Using Mixed Methods to Explore the Black Box of Planned Change in Principals’ Professional Practice,” Carol A. Barnes, Eric Camburn, Beth R. Sanders and James Sebastian, Educational Administration Quarterly, 2010.

Assessing the Utility of a Daily Log for Evaluations Involving School Principals,” Eric M. Camburn, James P. Spillane and James Sebastian, Educational Administration Quarterly, 2010.

Schools and Inequality: A Multilevel Analysis of Coleman’s Equality of Educational Opportunity Data,” Geoffrey D. Borman and Maritza Dowling, Teachers College Record, 2010.

Family and Contextual Socioeconomic Effects across Seasons: When Do They Matter for the Achievement Growth of Young Children?,” James G. Bronson and Geoffrey D. Borman, Teachers College Record, 2010.

The Relative Risk and Timing of Divorce in Families of Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder,” S.L. Hartley, E.T. Barker, M.M. Seltzer, F. Floyd, J. Greenberg, G. Orsmond and Daniel M. Bolt, Journal of Family Psychology, 2010.

On the Use of Factor-Analytic Multinomial Logit Item Response Models to Account for Individual Differences in Response Style,” Timothy R. Johnson and Daniel M. Bolt, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 2010.

Nested Logit Models for Multiple-Choice Item Response Data,” Youngsuk Suh and Daniel M. Bolt, Psychometrika, 2010.

Classroom Communities’ Adaptations of the Practice of Scientific Argumentation,” Leema K. Berland and Brian J. Reiser, Science Education, 2010.

How New Technologies Have (and Have Not) Changed Teaching and Learning in Schools,”
Richard Halverson and Annette Smith, Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 2009.

Legitimate Parental Partiality,” Harry Brighouse and Adam Swift, Philosophy & Public Affairs, 2008.

"Video Games and the Future of Learning," David Williamson ShafferKurt R. SquireRichard HalversonJames P. Gee, Phi Delta Kappan, 2005.

‘Practicing’ Medicine Without Risk: Students’ and Educators’ Responses to High-Fidelity Patient Simulation,” James A. Gordon, William M. Wilkerson, David Williamson Shaffer and Elizabeth G. Armstrong, Academic Medicine, 2001.