Journal Articles

Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:

Adolescent Literacies in Latin America and the Caribbean,” Lesley Bartlett, Dina Lopez, Erika Mein and Laura A. Valdiviezo, Review of Research Education, 2011.

Bilingual Education as a Political Spectacle: Educating Latino Immigrant Youth in New York City,” Jill P. Koyama and Lesley Bartlett, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 2011.

State Literacies and Inequality: Managing Haitian Immigrants in the Dominican Republic,” Lesley Bartlett, Kiran Jayaram and Gulin Bonhomme, International Journal of Educational Development, 2011.

Direct Observation of Peer-related Social Interaction: Outcomes for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders,” Brian A. Boyd, Maureen A. Conroy, Jennifer Asmus and Elizabeth McKenney, Exceptionality: A Special Education Journal, 2011.

Embodiment in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Evidence from Learners’ and Teachers’ Gestures,” Martha W. Alibali and Mitchell J. Nathan, Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2011.

Publication Criteria and Recommended Areas of Improvement Within School Psychology Journals as Reported by Editors, Journal Board Members, and Manuscript Authors,” Craig A. Albers, Randy G. Floyd, Melanie J. Fuhrmann and Rebecca S. Martinez, Journal of School Psychology, 2011.

Associations Between Academic Achievement and Psychosocial Variables in Adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis,” AJ Grieve, A. Tluczek, CN Racine-Gilles, A. Laxova, Craig A. Albers and PM Farrell, The Journal of School Health, 2011.

"Literacy and Schooling in One Family across Time," Catherine Compton-Lilly, Research in the Teaching of English, 2011.

Understanding Aggregate Crime Regressions,” Steven N.Durlauf, Salvador Navarro and David A. Rivers, Journal of Econometrics, 2010.

Beliefs and Expectations about Engineering Preparation Exhibited by High School STEM Teachers,” Mitchell J. Nathan, Natalie A. Tran, Amy K. Atwood, Amy Prevost and L. Allen Phelps Journal of Engineering Education, 2010.

Video Games and Digital Literacies,” Constance Steinkuehler, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 2010.

Collective Information Literacy in Massively Multiplayer Online Games,” Crystle Martin and Constance Steinkuehler, E-Learning and Digital Media, 2010.

We are All Prisoners: Privileging Prison Voices in Black Print Culture,” Maisha Winn, Journal of African American History, 2010.

Resisting the School to Prison Pipeline: The Practice to Build Abolition Democracies,” Erica R. Meiners and Maisha Winn, Race Ethnicity Education, 2010.

‘Our Side of the Story’: Moving Incarcerated Youth Voices from Margins to Center,” Maisha Winn Race Ethnicity Education, 2010.

‘Betwixt and Between’: Literacy, Liminality, and the Celling of Black Girls,” Maisha Winn, Race Ethnicity Education, 2010.

A is for Apple: Mnemonic Symbols Hinder the Interpretation of Algebraic Expressions,” Nicole M. McNeil, Aaron Weinberg, Shanta Hattikudur, Ana C. Stephens, Pamela Asquith, Eric J. Knuth and Martha W. Alibali, Journal of Educational Psychology, 2010.

How Children Use Examples to Make Conditional Predictions,” Charles W. Kalish, Cognition, 2010.

Implicit Versus Explicit Interference Effects in a Number-Color Synesthete,” Ilaria Berteletti, Edward M. Hubbard, Marco Zorzi, Cortex, 2010.

Superior Size-Weight Illusion Performance in Patients with Schizophrenia: Evidence for Deficits in Forward Models,” Lisa E. Williams, Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, Edward M. Hubbard, David L. Braff and Gregory A. Light, Schizophrenia Research, 2010.