New Grants
Donald Gillian-Daniel (PI) leads the project "Collaborative Research: IUSE EHR - Inclusive Learning and Teaching in Undergraduate STEM Instruction," a subcontract of a $562,184 total award to Northwestern University from the National Science Foundation through 2023.
Robert Mathieu (PI), Kitch Barnicle and Donald Gillian-Daniel received a grant of $3,340,893 from the National Science Foundation for “Aspire: The National Alliance for Inclusive and Diverse STEM Faculty” through Aug. 31, 2023.
Peter Wardrip (PI) was awarded $240,568 by the National Science Foundation for the project "EAGER: MAKER: Enhanced learing through making by way of personalized content for animation and fabrication" through 2019.
Percival Matthews, Martha Alibali and Ana Stephens (co-PIs) were awarded $670,986 by the National Science Foundation for the project "Cultivating Knowledge of Mathematical Equivalence" through 2021.
David Gagnon (PI) was awarded $106,600 by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction for the project "Field Day Lab - Year 5 Funding" through 2019.
Peter Wardrip (PI) was awarded $99,709 for the project "Research and Assessment in Makerspaces" from the Institute of Museum and Library Services through 2019.
Amy Bellmore (PI) leads the project "Daily Experiences with Diversity: Academic and Social Adjustment in High School," a subcontract of a $440,240 total award to UC-Davis from the Institute of Education Sciences through 2021.
Annalee Good (PI) was awrded $63,000 from the U.S. Department Of Education for the project "Javits Expanding Excellence - Milwaukee Public Schools" through 2022.