New Grants
Ana Stephens (PI) received $27,297 from the University of Texas-Austin for the project "Identifying Effective Instructional Practices that Foster the Development of Algebraic Thinking in Elementary Schools" through 2021.
Eric Knuth (PI) and Ana Stephens received funding (TBA) from the Technical Education Research Center (TERC) for the project, “Project Leap: Extending a Grades 3-5 Early Algebra Learning Progression into Grades K-2,” through June 2018.
Nancy Kendall (PI) received $10,276 from Education International for the project, “Researching the ‘Partnership Schools for Liberia’ Pilot,” through July 2017.
Jed Richardson (PI) received $527,880 from Temple University for the project, “The Price of STEM Success: Explaining the Impact of Need-Based Financial Aid on STEM Student Behavior,” through August 2017.
Maribeth Gettinger (PI) was awarded $406,847 by the US Department of Education for the project "Academic and Behavior Combined Support (ABC Support) in Tier 2 Interventions" through 2020.
Noah Feinstein (PI) was awarded $53,454 by the University of Illinois - Chicago for the project "Garden for a Changing Climate: A Phenologic Clock" through 2018.
Linn Posey-Maddox (PI) was awarded $49,747 by the Spencer Foundation for the project "Black in the 'Burbs: Community, Family, and Schooling in Suburbia" through 2018.
Jerlando Jackson (PI) was awarded $64,426 by the National Science Foundation for the project "Collaborative Research: GEODES: Geoscience Diversity Experiential Simulations" through 2019.