News from WCER
Preparing Future Teachers to Transform Science Class Discussions
June 18, 2015
It wasn’t until three researchers landed in the School of Education’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction that they decided to team up to see how they could support those best practices among teachers-in-training.
WCER Welcomes Chinese, Azerbaijani, Native Alaskan Delegations
June 12, 2015
In the past few weeks, visitors from China, Azerbaijan and Alaska have visited the Wisconsin Center for Education Research to learn more about its research and offer perspectives on their own experiences in education.
The Future of Internships Is Virtual
June 10, 2015
The internship, a long-held tradition of the business world, is overdue for innovation.
Berland Article Named Most Read by Journal of the Learning Sciences
June 2, 2015
WCER researcher Leema Berland, whose work focuses on supporting and understanding student engagement in science, authored the most read article in the Journal of the Learning Sciences in 2014.
National Education Equity Leaders Meet on UW-Madison Campus April 27-28
April 27, 2015
A national network of educators organized by the University of Wisconsin-Madison will gather April 27 – 28 in Madison to focus on the latest research and most promising practices for eliminating racial disparities in achievement in schools across the United States.
Mathieu named director of Wisconsin Center for Education Research
April 8, 2015
Robert Mathieu has been named director of the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER), UW–Madison School of Education Dean Julie Underwood announced April 6.
Hora Published in Review of Higher Education
April 3, 2015
A paper by WCER researcher Matthew T. Hora investigating faculty beliefs about student learning and their influence on teaching decisions has been published by The Review of Higher Education.
Jackson Named Morris Endowed Chair at Eastern Michigan University
March 26, 2015
Jerlando F. L. Jackson will serve as the 2014-15 Michael G. Morris Endowed Chair at Eastern Michigan University. Jackson will remain in his posts at UW–Madison during the year-long special appointment.
Michigan Civil Rights Commission Passes Resolution Drafted by MSAN District Students
March 23, 2015
Students from Michigan’s Farmington Public Schools, one of 28 school districts that are members of WCER’s Minority Student Achievement Network (MSAN), drafted a resolution on social justice and civil rights and successfully secured its state-level adoption by the Michigan Civil Rights Commission on Jan. 26.
Halverson Article Chosen for Journal of School Leadership Special Issue
March 16, 2015
A research paper co-authored by Richard Halverson has been chosen for the Journal on School Leadership’s 25th anniversary special issue.
The LEAD Center Helps Faculty Improve Productivity
March 9, 2015
University administrators specialize in administration; scientists specialize in research; teaching staff specialize in teaching. Few have training in how to evaluate the success of their work objectively, although there’s always room for improving work practices.
Nathan Participates on Panel on the Development of Mathematical Abilities
March 4, 2015
Mitchell J. Nathan recently participated on a panel addressing the development of mathematical abilities at the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s 2015 meeting on Feb. 15 in San Jose, Calif.
Accountability Versus Local Control: Making Early Childcare Work
February 26, 2015
A 4-year kindergarten (4K) program in Wisconsin catalyzed statewide opposition that district leaders did not anticipate.
WCER Research Team Receives NSF Grant to Evaluate STEM Jobs and Education Curricula
February 17, 2015
A WCER research team led by Matthew T. Hora has received additional National Science Foundation funding to continue researching the intersection between curriculum and instruction in higher education and workforce needs in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) related industries.
A Rare Opportunity
February 17, 2015
At many large universities, graduate programs in education and the social sciences are located in different areas of campus. This results in few natural opportunities for graduate students in different schools or departments to network, brainstorm, and support each other’s research interests.