News from WCER
Retention and Attainment at Minority-Serving Institutions
September 3, 2013
Clifton Conrad and colleague Marybeth Gasman (University of Pennsylvania) identify and elevate exemplars of student success at minority serving institutions.
Hora Lands NSF Grant to Further Examine STEM Skills Gap
August 26, 2013
Matthew Hora, an assistant scientist with the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, was recently awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation to examine the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics – or STEM – skills gap.
Students’ Group Work Affected by Gender Composition
August 26, 2013
Students may learn more in mixed-gender groups than when they work solely with members of their own gender.
Postdoctoral Training Program in Mathematical Instruction
August 26, 2013
Many doctoral programs in math education boost students' skills in qualitative research, but lack sufficient focus on quantitative methods and in data analysis techniques.
From Community Colleges to 4-year Institutions
August 19, 2013
Many community college students transfer to 4-year colleges to major in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM).
Automating the Measurement and Assessment of Classroom Discourse
August 12, 2013
A computer program under development will allow much easier coding of classroom discourse for classroom research, teacher education, and professional development.
Braaten to Study How Teachers Use and Learn from Data
August 6, 2013
With increasing frequency, secondary teachers are being encouraged to use data to improve their practice.
Mobilizing Research Knowledge in Ontario and Wisconsin
August 6, 2013
Researchers do research. Teachers teach. Administrators administer. It’s easy for everyone to work in silos.
Dynamic Digital Text in STEM Education
August 6, 2013
New digital presentation, interaction, and navigation techniques promise to engage students more deeply and dynamically with science
Home Cultures Shape Math Instruction
July 29, 2013
You might think that students will achieve academically as long as their teachers use effective standards-based teaching practices.
The Power of Museum Exhibits
July 29, 2013
Children can learn a lot from museum exhibits, which reach millions of students every year.
On 25th Anniversary, FAST Celebrates International Research
July 25, 2013
Guests came from far and wide to celebrate the FAST program’s 25th anniversary, held as part of the annual conference organized by the non-profit, Families and Schools Together, Inc. in Madison on June 24 and 25.
Evidence for the Middle School Science Classroom
July 22, 2013
Melissa Braaten and colleagues examine the personal, organizational, and contextual factors affecting science teachers' data use and pedagogical practices.
Benefits of Embedded Learning Opportunities for Teachers
July 17, 2013
Programs that create teacher leadership positions and those that encourage structured teacher collaboration are positively and strongly associated with reflective practice.
Using Digital Avatars in Mathematics Instruction
July 10, 2013
Computer avatars may soon be used to help mathematics teachers communicate more effectively.