News from WCER

Nudging Faculty Toward Interactive Teaching

April 2, 2012

Higher education faculty observe implicit and explicit norms for things like course content and instructional autonomy.

Assessment Services Supporting ELs through Technology Systems

March 26, 2012

A new technology-based assessment system for English language learners will measure student progress in attaining the academic English necessary to succeed in school and, ultimately, post-secondary studies and work.

Achieve Excellence Despite Budget Cuts

March 19, 2012

A new book by Allan Odden shows how to maintain school excellence while overcoming budget cuts.

Data-driven Reform Efforts can Improve Achievement Significantly

March 15, 2012

Information is power. And good information empowers educators to improve teaching and student learning.

Nathan Unveils Computing Education Research Group

March 12, 2012

Education Professor Mitchell Nathan has led the development of a new section in AERA (American Educational Research Association) for engineering and computer science.

Spanish Academic Language Standards & Assessment

March 5, 2012

WIDA staff are collaborating with the Illinois State Board of Education to develop and implement academic Spanish language development standards for students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.

Improving Health Through the HIV/AIDS Curriculum

March 1, 2012

In AIDS-afflicted areas, the task of caring for ill parents or relatives often falls on children, and these responsibilities compel many students to drop out of school.

VARC Collaborates with Tulsa Schools

February 27, 2012

The Value-Added Research project has entered Year 2 in a collaboration with the Tulsa Public Schools.

Improving Evaluations for Teachers and Principals

February 20, 2012

Steve Kimball and WCER colleagues are working with the Department of Public Instruction’s Educator Effectiveness Design Team to develop frameworks for teacher and principal evaluation.

Network Promotes Climate Science

February 13, 2012

Sandra Rutherford and colleagues are working to advance discovery and understanding of climate science

Team Teaching Practices Affect Value-Added Measurements

February 12, 2012

Schools can be closed. Compensation for teachers and principals can be affected.

Law Students Need Epistemic Experience

February 6, 2012

There’s a difference between having a law degree and being ready to provide services.

Center on Education and Work Collaborates with Singapore Educators

January 31, 2012

Students and schools in Singapore are benefiting from research from the UW-Madison’s Center on Education and Work. In February 2009 the Singapore Ministry of Education adapted CEW’s WISCareers and CareerLocker online career-information systems for use in Singapore schools.

Strengthening Community Colleges

January 30, 2012

Sara Goldrick-Rab has been appointed to The Century Foundation’s Task Force on Preventing Community Colleges from Becoming Separate and Unequal.

Engaging Researchers and Education Service Agencies

January 23, 2012

WCER and the Office of Education Outreach and Partnerships look forward to hosting staff from Wisconsin’s Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESAs) at our annual meeting 21 February.