News from WCER
Measuring Complex Thinking in STEM Subjects
October 15, 2012
David Williamson Shaffer and Naomi Chesler continue to develop a toolkit for measuring how students think about problems in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects.
The Glass Ceiling
October 15, 2012
Any woman or person of color denied promotion for questionable reasons knows about the “glass ceiling.”
Why Do College Students Leave Science and Math?
October 8, 2012
Undergraduates are switching from STEM majors at a rate largely unchanged despite efforts over the past 15 years to improve college science teaching.
Support for the Wisconsin DPI’s Educator Effectiveness System
October 2, 2012
WCER researchers are helping the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction design model teacher and principal evaluation systems for the State.
Students Share Their Work Across Continents
October 2, 2012
Thanks to technology, students can produce videos to share with other youth globally, and view and comment on videos produced by youth in sites far away.
Enhancing Science Literacy with Multiple Resources
September 25, 2012
Since 2007, middle school students in Waunakee, Wisconsin have made strong gains in science achievement as a result of using a technology-enriched learning environment.
New Release of Video Analysis Software
September 17, 2012
Transana 2.51, a bug-fix release, is available
Cultural Brokering Stresses Students, Families
September 15, 2012
When moving to a new country, families often need help navigating the culture and language. Through their experiences in school and making new friends, children usually learn the language and adjust to the culture more quickly than their parents.
Preparing African American Students for Computing Careers
September 10, 2012
The U.S. produces record numbers of PhDs in computing, but the number of African Americans receiving advanced degrees in computing lags behind those of other ethnic and racial groups.
Virtual Internships in Engineering Education
September 4, 2012
First-year engineering students stand to gain a more complete and accurate understanding of the engineering profession, specifically mechanical engineering, thanks to a novel computer simulation.
Discussing Privatization in Peru
August 31, 2012
Over recent decades Peru’s education system has expanded significantly. In spite of that, secondary education is not universal and higher education even less so.
Transforming Undergraduate STEM Education
August 27, 2012
Rich Halverson and colleagues are beginning to open the “black box” of instructional practice and administrative decision-making in undergraduate STEM courses.
Improving Outcomes for Students with Disabilities
August 20, 2012
Exposure to poverty during childhood and adolescence predicts lower student achievement and higher dropout rates.
When Teaching Decisions Collide with Organizational Norms
August 15, 2012
Professionals in social marketing, public health, and applied anthropology frequently base behavior-change initiatives in a solid understanding of local practice.
Social Justice in Positive Behavioral Interventions
August 13, 2012
A new project directed by Aydin Bal is working to (a) form socially positive, academically rich, and inclusive school cultures in Wisconsin schools and to (b) transform the state-level policy and practices that exclude or marginalize students from non-majority families.