News from WCER

The Challenge and Promise of Education Partnerships

August 15, 2011

Improving education means finding solutions to complex and entrenched challenges.

Game-Based Learning Webinars Scheduled

August 8, 2011

David Williamson Shaffer is among those scheduled to offer an online seminar for, a professional social network for the educators.

Grants Correlated with More Student Persistence

August 1, 2011

For the last three years, Sara Goldrick-Rab and Douglas Harris tracked a group of students who received grant money from the Fund for Wisconsin Scholars program.

Video Game Teaches Systems Biology

July 25, 2011

Virulent is a new action and strategy computer game designed to teach key concepts in systems biology.

Nathan Appointed to National STEM Committee

July 18, 2011

Mitchell Nathan has been appointed to a National Academy of Engineering/ National Academy of Sciences Committee on Integrated STEM Education.

Battle of the Virons

July 11, 2011

You can learn about cell biology by playing the new online game Virulent.

When a student is an unmarried parent

July 11, 2011

Unmarried parents who attend college face obstacles of money and time. Parenting young children while also attending college creates difficulties that are different from those faced by traditional students.

Applying Insights from Faculty Teaching to SMET Reforms

July 1, 2011

Policymakers and educators engaged in math and science reform are challenged to fully understand college level teaching practices.

Reducing Vulnerability to Stereotype Threat

June 20, 2011

Students experience anxiety when confronted with a personally relevant stereotype that threatens their self-esteem or social identity.

Working Paper Series has Global Reach

June 14, 2011

The WCER Working Paper Series has reached 81 publications.

New Approaches to Performance Management and Value-Added in Urban Schools

June 10, 2011

More schools and districts around the country are using data at the school level to inform instructional decisions and support student learning. That’s a promising trend.

Affordability and College Attainment in Wisconsin Public Higher Education

June 7, 2011

Students, college administrators, faculty, and staff are invited to interact with researchers, policymakers, advocates, and philanthropists to discuss the challenges facing the State of Wisconsin in its efforts to grow a college-educated workforce.

Bridging Education and Cognitive Sciences

May 31, 2011

Mitchell Nathan recently participated in the first Latin American School for Education, Cognitive and Neural Sciences in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile.

Translational Research Initiative Underway

May 23, 2011

A new collaboration forged between WCER and the School of Education's Office of Education Outreach and Partnerships aims to extend and broaden the School’s ability to bridge research and practice and to better serve our community partners.

STEM Fields of Study at Community Colleges

May 17, 2011

The demand for graduates in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields continues to grow rapidly.