Goldrick-Rab Receives Scholars Mentoring Award
August 15, 2011
Sara Goldrick-Rab has received a Scholars Mentoring Award from the William T. Grant Foundation.
The Challenge and Promise of Education Partnerships
August 15, 2011
Improving education means finding solutions to complex and entrenched challenges.
Sara Goldrick-Rab in Inside Higher Ed
August 11, 2011
Sara Goldrick-Rab says, "So long as our colleges and universities continue in this never-ending Race to the Top, that’s going to perpetuate the inequity among students almost no matter what we do to try to bring students along” (Inside Higher Ed, 11 Aug.).
Game-Based Learning Webinars Scheduled
August 8, 2011
David Williamson Shaffer is among those scheduled to offer an online seminar for, a professional social network for the educators.
Grants Correlated with More Student Persistence
August 1, 2011
For the last three years, Sara Goldrick-Rab and Douglas Harris tracked a group of students who received grant money from the Fund for Wisconsin Scholars program.
Douglas Harris on
July 29, 2011
Although Wisconsin is at or near the bottom of most measures of disparity between white and black students, Douglas Harris says accountability can help shrink the gap (, 29 July).
Video Game Teaches Systems Biology
July 25, 2011
Virulent is a new action and strategy computer game designed to teach key concepts in systems biology.
Nathan Appointed to National STEM Committee
July 18, 2011
Mitchell Nathan has been appointed to a National Academy of Engineering/ National Academy of Sciences Committee on Integrated STEM Education.
Douglas Harris in the Kalamazoo Gazette
July 15, 2011
Douglas Harris comments on a controversial package of tenure reform laws approved by the Michigan Legislature and to be signed into law (Kalamazoo Gazette, 15 July).
Adam Gamoran in the Wisconsin State Journal
July 12, 2011
Adam Gamoran comments on a new initiative to reform how Wisconsin schools are held accountable (Wisconsin State Journal, 12 July).
Sara Goldrick-Rab on the
July 12, 2011
Sara Goldrick-Rab and Douglas Harris find that scarce Pell grant dollars should be targeted to the neediest students ( 12 July).
Battle of the Virons
July 11, 2011
You can learn about cell biology by playing the new online game Virulent.
When a student is an unmarried parent
July 11, 2011
Unmarried parents who attend college face obstacles of money and time. Parenting young children while also attending college creates difficulties that are different from those faced by traditional students.
Sara Goldrick-Rab in Marketplace
July 8, 2011
Sara Goldrick-Rab says the rising cost of college tuition will discourage more students from low income families (Marketplace, 8 July).
Sara Goldrick-Rab and Douglas Harris in the Wisconsin State Journal
July 7, 2011
Sara Goldrick-Rab and Douglas Harris find that disadvantaged students were more likely to stay in college if they received a grant from the Fund for Wisconsin Scholars program (Wisconsin State Journal 7 July).