Doug Harris in the New York Times
July 4, 2011
Doug Harris comments on the NEA's decision to include evidence of student learning in teacher evaluations (New York Times, 4 July)
Bradley Carl in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
July 2, 2011
If there were a magic answer for how to best evaluate teacher effectiveness, somebody would have thought of it a long time ago, says the VARC project's Bradley Carl (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 2 July).
Adam Gamoran in Education Week
July 1, 2011
Adam Gamoran comments on proposals for ways to make randomized controlled trial studies more affordable (Education Week, 1 July).
Applying Insights from Faculty Teaching to SMET Reforms
July 1, 2011
Policymakers and educators engaged in math and science reform are challenged to fully understand college level teaching practices.
Adam Gamoran in Education Week
June 27, 2011
Policymakers should create new assessments for all STEM subjects, says new a report issued by an NRC committee chaired by Adam Gamoran (Education Week, 27 June)
Adam Gamoran in the AAAS Science Insider
June 23, 2011
A National Research Council committee chaired by Adam Gamoran reports on ways school can adopt the elements needed for a top-quality science program (AAAS Science Insider, 23 June).
Reducing Vulnerability to Stereotype Threat
June 20, 2011
Students experience anxiety when confronted with a personally relevant stereotype that threatens their self-esteem or social identity.
Allan Odden on the
June 17, 2011
Allan Odden comments on how school districts are trying to cope with budget deficits (, 17 June).
Richard Halverson in UW–MadisonNews
June 16, 2011
Richard Halverson and Morgridge Institute colleagues have released the digital game Virulent, which teaches key concepts in systems biology. UW–Madison News. (June 16, 2011)
Terry Millar in The Scientist
June 15, 2011
WCER researcher Terry Millar says legislative proposals to bar the university from using WiscNet could mean paying up to four times as much with private providers (The Scientist, 15 June)
Working Paper Series has Global Reach
June 14, 2011
The WCER Working Paper Series has reached 81 publications.
Beth Graue in the New York Times
June 13, 2011
Beth Graue comments on the practice of delaying children's entry to kindergarten (New York Times, 13 June).
New Approaches to Performance Management and Value-Added in Urban Schools
June 10, 2011
More schools and districts around the country are using data at the school level to inform instructional decisions and support student learning. That’s a promising trend.
Sara Goldrick-Rab in Education Week, Diplomas Count
June 9, 2011
Sara Goldrick-Rab comments on community colleges' booming popularity (Education Week, Diplomas Count, 9 June, subscription required for full story).
Adam Gamoran in the Wisconsin State Journal
June 8, 2011
Madison is one of 6 state districts that didn’t meet the federal law No Child Left Behind goals in 2010-11; Adam Gamoran says schools should be judged instead on how much progress they make from one year to the next (Wisconsin State Journal, 8 June).