Preparing African American Students for Computing Careers

September 10, 2012

The U.S. produces record numbers of PhDs in computing, but the number of African Americans receiving advanced degrees in computing lags behind those of other ethnic and racial groups.

Virtual Internships in Engineering Education

September 4, 2012

First-year engineering students stand to gain a more complete and accurate understanding of the engineering profession, specifically mechanical engineering, thanks to a novel computer simulation.

Discussing Privatization in Peru

August 31, 2012

Over recent decades Peru’s education system has expanded significantly. In spite of that, secondary education is not universal and higher education even less so.

Transforming Undergraduate STEM Education

August 27, 2012

Rich Halverson and colleagues are beginning to open the “black box” of instructional practice and administrative decision-making in undergraduate STEM courses.

Adam Gamoran in the Pacific Standard

August 22, 2012

Adam Gamoran says schools that want to keep ability-grouping should do a better job with students in the lowest tracks, but that the most capable students may not be sufficiently challenged in mixed-ability classes (Pacific Standard, 22 Aug).

Improving Outcomes for Students with Disabilities

August 20, 2012

Exposure to poverty during childhood and adolescence predicts lower student achievement and higher dropout rates.

When Teaching Decisions Collide with Organizational Norms

August 15, 2012

Professionals in social marketing, public health, and applied anthropology frequently base behavior-change initiatives in a solid understanding of local practice.

Kurt Squire and Richard Davidson in the Epoch Times

August 14, 2012

Kurt Squire and Richard Davidson are developing two educational games: One to cultivate attention and the other to cultivate empathy, kindness, and pro-social behavior (the Epoch Times, 14 August).

Social Justice in Positive Behavioral Interventions

August 13, 2012

A new project directed by Aydin Bal is working to (a) form socially positive, academically rich, and inclusive school cultures in Wisconsin schools and to (b) transform the state-level policy and practices that exclude or marginalize students from non-majority families.

Sara Goldrick-Rab in The Chronicle

August 8, 2012

Sara Goldrick-Rab says The Pell Grant has a public-relations problem (The Chronicle, 8 August).

Implementing Interventions in Schools

August 6, 2012

About 6% of school-aged children exhibit disruptive behaviors that cause problems in the classroom

Building Capacity for Special Education in Turkey

August 6, 2012

Special education students in Turkey are benefiting from a collaboration between Kimber Wilkerson and two former graduate students in the department of Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education.

Matching Strategies for Observational Studies with Multilevel Data

July 30, 2012

Peter Steiner has received support from the Institute of Education Sciences to develop a theoretical background for matching designs and techniques with observational multilevel data and to derive guidelines for educational researchers who have already started using multilevel matching techniques in their analyses.

How Students Become Politically Involved

July 23, 2012

Adolescence is an important time for the development of political identity and engagement. Political experiences during this phase of life shape future engagement

Mark Connolly on

July 19, 2012

Mark Connolly comments on changing trends in doctoral students' career paths (, 19 July).