Jackson to Receive Major Honor from ASHE

November 14, 2018

The Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) recently announced its annual award winners leading up to the organization’s 2018 conference, and two faculty members with UW-Madison’s School of Education are receiving significant recognition.

Jackson Helps Lead New Project via Wisconsin Partnership Program Award

November 2, 2018

Jerlando Jackson, director and chief research scientist of Wisconsin’s Equity and Inclusion Laboratory within WCER, is the academic partner in a university intiative to improve health and health equity across Wisconsin.

Video Game Play Can Change Human Behavior in a Good Way

November 1, 2018

Brain Scans Show Innovative Sci-Fi Game Increases Empathy in Some Children

Working on the Achievement Gap

October 31, 2018   |   By Steven Elbow

Some officials, experts and education advocates say initiatives to narrow the gap have been in place for years and are having an impact on a problem that will likely take decades to solve. “I think there have been significant successes across different areas,” Madeline Hafner, a WCER researcher and executive director of the Minority Student Achievement Network told the Capital Times. “Individual schools and individual districts have seen gaps close across different measures.”

Finding A Job That Fits: Study Finds Mismatch Between Education, Job Qualifications

October 30, 2018   |   By Shamane Mills

WCER labor economist Matías Scaglione tells Wisconsin Public Radio the gap between education and employment could be even greater in some areas that noted in a new report because the study didn’t look at labor force participation. "Labor force participation rates for people with bachelor’s degrees or higher are 73 percent, more or less. For those with high school degrees it's 58 percent," Scaglione told WPR. "So that’s why focusing on population can be misleading. We have to focus on labor force and then employment."

AR Girls Present Results of Their Work on Interactive Digital Stories

October 30, 2018

Ten teen girls recently presented a showcase of their work designing Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences to a standing-room-only crowd of 30 people in the Fallout Shelter at Waterfall Arts.

Wadewitz Students, Teacher Contribute to Wisconsin History Game

October 30, 2018

Some Wadewitz Elementary students, along with one of their teachers, learned earlier this year about Wisconsin history while contributing to the development and testing of an online video game.

Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions Launches Fall Seminar Series Nov. 5

October 30, 2018

Public Talk on Comparative Study of Internships in China and the U.S.

Wisconsinites Agree on Broad Purposes of Higher Education Despite Divisive Political Climate

October 30, 2018

UW-Madison student-led research shows residents with opposing ideologies share belief that public higher education serves broad and varied purposes

Brillion Students Meet Jo Wilder and the Capitol Case

October 30, 2018

Last fall, Keith Polkinghorne received a call from Wisconsin Public Television (WPT) Education wondering if he and his students would be interesting in testing out an online video game - Jo Wilder and the Capitol Case - as it was being developed. The request was happily granted.

WPT Video Game Tested Locally

October 30, 2018

Bonduel students, library specialist help to develop ‘Jo Wilder and the Capitol Case’

The Capitol Case

October 30, 2018

Local teachers help develop video game to teach state history

WPT Education’s Capitol Game Gets Top Score

October 30, 2018

This October, WPT Education was excited to introduce Jo Wilder and the Capitol Case, a free online video game set in and around the Wisconsin State Capitol, that assists educators in teaching social studies, while giving students the chance to be “history detectives.”

Elmwood Elementary Students Help Develop Online Video Game

October 30, 2018

The Oct. 10 release of the online video game Jo Wilder and the Capitol Case on WPTeducation.org not only gave elementary level students a new way to have fun while learning at school, but it also put Elmwood Elementary on the map throughout the state.

WIES Lecture | Excellent Content Teaching for Multilingual Students

October 25, 2018

Kara Mitchell Viesca’s work centers on content teaching for multilingual students. In this talk, she will discuss theoretical advancements and empirical work with important implications for research, policy and practice in content teaching, as well as teacher learning-practices that address issues of inequity and social justice for multilingual students.