Claudia Persico Featured on NPR’s Marketplace
December 12, 2017
Claudia Persico, an assistant professor of ELPA and a WCER researcher, was interviewed and contributed to an NPR Marketplace news story.
Disciplining Bilingual Education in the Post-Civil Rights Era
December 7, 2017
Dr. Flores' research seeks to denaturalize the raciolinguistic ideologies that inform current conceptualizations of language education. This entails both historical analysis of the origins of current raciolinguistic ideologies and how current education policies and practices reproduce them. His current work in this area theorizes academic language as a raciolinguistic ideology. Dr. Flores’s primary objective in this work is to illustrate the ways in which the concept of academic language marginalizes language-minoritized students and to develop alternative conceptualizations of language that resist this marginalization.
Against the Prison Pipeline: Laboring for Love, Toward Justice, with Joy
December 6, 2017
Crystal Laura's research focuses on the social and academic wellbeing of Black children in the "school-to-prison pipeline." In this talk, she summarized key contributors to the school-to-prison pipeline and how educators can
A Panel Discussion about Careers in Academia
November 15, 2017
Faculty in the School of Education discussed careers in academia. A brief presentation and panel discussion described searching for jobs, participating in on-campus interviews, and negotiating job offers.
Attention and Learning in Young Children
November 15, 2017
Anna Fisher’s talk focused on the development of attention regulation during the preschool period, and its importance for learning when children begin formal schooling.
Matthew Hora, Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions
October 31, 2017
Matthew Hora is a research scientist at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research and an assistant professor of Adult and Higher Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In his role as director of the Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions he talks here about producing research that has a direct translation to the world of practice.
Project to Produce Roadmap for Teaching Elementary Grades Algebra
October 29, 2017
Study will produce a prototype Grades K-2 instructional sequence, related assessments and characterizations of progressions in students' thinking
Iowa State University Selects Jerlando Jackson for Alumni Achievement Award
October 25, 2017
Iowa State University’s College of Human Sciences has selected Jerlando F. L. Jackson, professor of higher education at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, for its 2017 Alumni Achievement Award.
The CALL for Improved Learning
October 23, 2017 | By Lynn Armitage
In a quest to answer the question, “How can we improve student learning?” hundreds of schools all over the country—and in Denmark and Japan—are answering the CALL.
Cleveland Heights High Students Host National MSAN Conference on Closing racial Gaps in Classrooms
October 23, 2017
Students from the Cleveland Heights School district, the hosts of the 2017 MSAN Student Conference, were featured in
Hora and Colleagues Awarded $2.2 Million from National Science Foundation
October 20, 2017
Matthew Hora and colleagues have been awarded $2.2 million from the National Science Foundation to investigate whether four specific competencies – teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and self-directed learning - are being cultivated in college classrooms and workplace training.
Williamson Shaffer Awarded $2 Million from the National Science Foundation
October 17, 2017
David Williamson Shaffer has been awarded a $2 million grant from the National Science Foundation to develop and study a tool to let STEM teachers generate models of social, economic, and environmental issues in their own communities.
Halverson Awarded $1.1 Million from the National Science Foundation
October 17, 2017
Erica Halverson and co-investigators from Northcentral Technical College have been awarded a grant of $1.1 million from the National Science Foundation to design, deliver and study mobile maker experiences for people in rural communities in central Wisconsin.
Madison School District’s 4K Program Boosting Opportunity for Minority, Low-Income Youngsters
October 9, 2017
New research shows the Madison School District’s 4-year-old-kindergarten program is enrolling a greater share of minority and low-income children, potentially boosting opportunity for historically disadvantaged youths as more 4K participants overall go on to district kindergarten.
New Faculty in the School of Education Present Their Work
October 5, 2017
- Jordan Conwell, Sociology, Educational Policy Studies, on race and class inequality in education
- Peter Wardrip, Curriculum & Instruction, on learning in makerspaces
- Natalie Zervou, Dance, on the intersections between dance and national identity
- Nicole Louie, Curriculum & Instruction, on efforts to shift the culture of mathematics teaching