Delta Program in UW-Madison News

February 4, 2015

The Delta program's recommended teaching practices improve student achievement (UW-Madison News, 4 Feb.)

Doctoral Student Teaching Development Programs Make a Difference

February 3, 2015

Only 19% of college students receiving a bachelor’s degree will graduate with a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degree,

Delta Program on

February 2, 2015

The Delta program provides education in teaching theory and practice to graduate students in STEM fields (AACU, 2 Feb.)

Gary Cook in Education Week

January 28, 2015

WIDA's H. Gary Cook has co-authored a new set of recommendations for how states and school districts might better identify and initially classify English-learners (Education Week, 28 Jan).

UW-Madison FAST Program Shown to Increase School Engagement among Latino Families

January 21, 2015

A new study recently published by four UW-Madison education researchers identifies processes for improving the engagement of low-income Latino families with their children’s elementary schools.

CIRTL Network Featured in Report Proposing Broad Changes to Undergraduate STEM Education

January 20, 2015

According to a report recently released by the Coalition for Reform of Undergraduate STEM Education, the CIRTL Network is one of four national programs that could drastically increase the number of college students who graduate with a degree in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

Sara Goldrick-Rab in the New York Times & The Chronicle of Higher Education

January 11, 2015

Obama's community college plan has roots in the work of Sara Goldrick-Rab, among others (New York Times, 9 Jan. and The Chronicle, 11 Jan.)

Sara Goldrick-Rab on

January 11, 2015

Sara Goldrick-Rab calls President Obama's community college plan "smart and bold" (, 11 Jan.)

Winn Awarded William T. Grant Distinguished Fellowship

January 9, 2015

WCER researcher Maisha T. Winn recently received the William T. Grant Distinguished Fellowship Award for her proposal, “Restorative Justice and the Reclamation of Civic Education for Youth.”

Video Posted of Berland’s Lecture on Students’ Meaningful Engagement in Science

January 7, 2015

In November, Leema Berland gave a presentation on meaningful engagement in science classrooms to the Create for STEM Institute at Michigan State University.

Kurt Squire, Constance Steinkuehler in the Huffington Post

January 5, 2015

The Huffington post recommends paying close attention to the new focus on "good for you video games" developed by Kurt Squire, Constance Steinkuehler, and others (Huffington Post, 5 January)

New Federal Preschool Funding Fuels WIDA Program for Young Dual Language Learners

December 23, 2014

Millions of federal dollars awarded to 18 states earlier this month will allow WIDA, an international nonprofit education resource based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, to advance academic language development among the 31% of children under the age of eight in the United States who grow up learning two or more languages, most often Spanish spoken natively in their homes and English.

Philosophy Professors Start New WCER Interdisciplinary Center for Ethics and Education

December 19, 2014

What are the purposes of public education? Are they the right kinds of purposes now, and were they the right kinds of purposes 50 years ago?

Dual-Credit Courses Improve College Access and Success

December 18, 2014

Dual-credit courses allow high school juniors and seniors to enroll in a college course and earn simultaneous credit in high school and college.

WIDA Researchers Meet with Alaskan Native Educators

December 9, 2014

As part of a new initiative to study the ways WIDA can serve American Indian communities, WIDA researchers traveled to Alaska for the 2014 National Indian Education Association (NIEA) Convention and to meet with educators working in schools that primarily serve Alaska’s American Indian population.